购买ins粉丝 出口该国要注意!商品要打上进口商和制造商等身份标识,否则退运或销毁!Instagramtant soundcloud f

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近日,由英国海关授权的检测公司(Electrical Safety Assessments Ltd)对从 进口产品进行检测,结果由于产品上没有打制造商和进口商等身份标识,英国海关及TS部门要求货物退运或者在当地进行销毁












The sample does not comply with the electronic equipment safety law, and part 2.4.5 will cause user injury. 1.3 although non-compliance will not cause immediate risks to users, it also does not comply with safety regulations. According to the test results and test reports of the testing company, the British customs makes the decision that the goods need to be destroyed, or the goods need to be returned if they are broken / damaged.Instagramtant soundcloud followers



The equipment is required to be marked with the manufacturer's name, registered trade name or registered trade mark; together with a single postal address at which the manufacturer can be contacted. (Regulation 8).

If the manufacturer is not established in the EU and the equipment has been imported, it needs to be marked with the name, registered trade name or registered trade mark of the importer and their postal address. (Regulation 18).

The sample had not been marked with these details.

The instructions supplied were considered inadequate. They did not give any details regarding suitable batteries or battery ranges; despite warning to the end user to check on the list.(Regulation 9)

This sample did not bear a type, batch or serial number or other element allowing its identification. (Regulation 8(1)(a))

Regulation 35(3)requires electrical equipment that has a flexible lead and plug assembly intended to be connected to the UK electricity supply via a socket outlet conforming to BS1363, to be fitted with a standard plug as defined by the Plugs and Sockets etc (Safety)Regulations.

The plug on this sample did not comply with BS1363. It had not been marked with the identity of the manufacturer.

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Plugs and Sockets, etc. (Safety) Regulations 1994 Regulations 8 and 13.2 state that a standard plug shall: conform to BS1363-1; be of a type approved by a notified body; bear a mark showing approval by a notified body; indicate the body which approved the plug.

The plug fitted to this sample was not an approved type and it did not display the approval mark of a notified body.


This sample did not comply with the Electrical Equipment ( Safety) Regulations 2016.

Items 2. 4 and 5 were safety issues that were considered to offer a risk of harm to the user.

Items I and 3 were aspects of non-compliance that did not necessarily present an immediate risk of harm to the end user, but were departures from the Regulations and they require attention.

With regards to the unsafe product, EU Regulation 765 provides the following options: 

The goods can be 'Rendered Inoperable' and returned to the Point of Origin-this is to ensure that goods assessed as posing a serious risk cannot be re-entered into the supply chain.

The goods can be destroyed

On this occasion as you do not have a representative in the UK we will allow you to return the goods to origin for reworking as in our opinion the chargers need to be replaced with a different plug. Your other option would be to have the goods destroyed as previously advised.




理论上是的,但是因为人力物力的限制。。所以他们目前是针对数量大的,危险系数比较高的品类进行优先检测。其中就包括了在英国 热卖的电子产品类,特别是配置电源里配置电流量高于5V的产品。



外部标签:其中包括:生产 ,产品使用说明,产品细则(电器电压电流等), 欧盟CE认证标签(内外包装都要),英文版使用书,是否符合给儿童使用。

电插头/电源:保险丝(英国标准是2.2g,一点也不能少,因为保险丝是承载电流的主要标准,2.2g是英国一般家用电流承载标准。);BS marking


(目前 受关注的类别有:电气配件、灯具、舞台照明、工业设备、商品等;只要是主电源的链接(220V)所有产品都比较敏感。如电源适配器、插头/电线、充电器等,有5V的就没事啦~例如USB等)电源电线等))


(1)TS检查里面, 主要的就是第三方检测机构(如TUV)所提供的产品验证报告。该报告会该产品进行全面检测,确保该产品是不会有危险的。但是这个就是会产生一定的费用,如TUV费用约260英镑)。

(2)另外可以提供的是DOC – document of conformity出厂合格证。(可不是国内厂家出的哪个哦。欧盟 是会要要求卖家在欧洲设置服务中心,以便对产品进行售后服务。)

(3)TS要求所有进入到英国的产品都必须要符合广泛范围的健康和安全要求,(如有关产品结构和稳定性等);在产品使用方面要带有详细的产品使用描述;特殊产品(如电子产品)需要经授权机构进行类型检验;带有CE标志和其他信息。部分特殊产品(如带锯齿的机器)与相关标准时, 还会需要向一个授权检验机构提供极速资料,以证明完全符合标准。

近年各国海关和贸易标准局对来自于 的货物检查更为严格, 卖家一定要注意自己的产品质量、产品身份标识以及产品的知识产权问题,千万不能因小失大。




TS全称是英国贸易标准局(the Chartered Trading Standards Institute),成立于1881年,是一个非营利的专业机构,致力于鼓励诚实的企业和业务,帮助维护经济、环境、消费者的健康和社会福利。它隶属于CITY COUNCIL(当地政府机构)。就像是我们的消费者权益委员会, 对国内所有消费行为进行监督和协助。


其实TS是近几年才注重检查来往货柜的,也就是几年前,在欧洲经济衰退, 跨境电子商贸进入欧洲初期,英国政府发现,来自在eBay上 的货物竟然能比英国当地货物售价便宜2/3!怎么能那么便宜?!产品的质量如何啊?然后那年圣诞,英国当地一家庭在eBay上买了某个灯饰后引起了火灾,经调调查后发现这些Made-in-China的商品是从英国当地仓库发货的,所以于是英国TS把注意力转到了这些仓库查验了.换句话,目前TS在这些事情上的主要职能是发起对仓库,货柜的检查和监督,维护当地市场贸易标准,与海关没有业务重叠。



At present, the inspection personnel in the TS are not very experienced, so they will be detained when the inspection mechanism in the TS is very mature Sometimes it takes two days, sometimes two weeks So it will burn money! (because the inspection is detained in their own warehouse, and the storage of goods is subject to warehouse rent.. and it's not cheap ~)Instagramtant soundcloud followers

在这里非常重要得提一下:如果 的物流企业跟TS签订合作协议的,可以将”待查扣”的货物从入口港口先带回 物流企业的仓库里面进行查检。这样的话,就算真的不幸被抽检了,也能为客户减低损失。另外, 物流企业会提交相关信息,TS必须要在两周内回复信息,因此也就不怕会耽误客户进行货物销售了。


合格的话就当然没事啊,但是要是被TS检验出不合格的产品的话,只要能提供相关的资质证明就ok了,而没有证书的提供不了资质证明的,要么是送%9当地检修,%90当地销毁,%1返回 。

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