Instagram 购买 外贸开发信小议

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外贸公司工作的工作人员,有时候少不了要接触到外贸开放信这块的内容。因此,希望日后在外贸公司工作的我们还是要做足外贸开发信相关知识的功课的。首先,是概念上的认识,我们经常提到的外贸开发信到底指的是什么呢?其实,概况的来讲,外贸开发信实际上就是外贸业务员给国外客户发送的一封寻求合作的邮件。在这个邮件中,通常要包含自己公司产品、服务以及优势相关的信息,从而可以使对方了解我们自己公司的优势。一般情况下,这些潜在国外客户如果对我们自己公司产品或服务等其他方面的内容感兴趣的话,他们会对邮件进行回复,从而与外贸业务员进行更深层次的交流与合作,并 终确立购买合同,建立合作伙伴关系。由此可见,这个外贸开发信是开发潜在客户的一种十分重要的途径,写好外贸开发信影响深远。



Are you looking for a new supplier?

Hi Buyer Name,

My name is xxx, and I am a Position at Chenfun Medical Technology, a top Type of goods manufacturer/distributor in China. I am writing today to see if there is an opportunity for us to learn more about each other and perhaps work together.

My name is xxx, and I am a Position at Chenfun Medical Technology, a top Type of goods manufacturer/distributor in China. I am writing today to see if there is an opportunity for us to learn more about each other and perhaps work together.

Founded in year, we specialize in specialty. We have an annual production capacity of your annual production capacity and annual revenue of around US$ your annual revenue. We have been exporting to North America since year, and our clients include Client 1, Client 2, Client 3, and many others. We also have a number of clients in Europe, including Client 4, Client 5, and Client 6. For more information on us -- including third party information -- please visit our page on Panjiva.

Are you currently looking for new Type of goods suppliers? If so, I would love to learn more and see if we can help meet your needs. Please let me know the best way for us to connect. I can be reached at any time by email or phone at xxx. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,

Vicky Zhang

其次,就是内容要尽量的言简意赅。对于外国人来说,他们十分懒,同时也十分珍惜工作时间,因此,一篇长篇大论的开发信本身就会引起他们的厌烦,也并不符合外贸函电简洁明了的精髓。在写开发信的时候,我们要尽量精简自己的话语,力求用 简单的几句话有效表达出自己的主题和目的,为自己从心理上赢得国外潜在客户的好感。

Hi Buyer Name,

My name isxxx, and I am a position at Chenfun Medical Technology, a product name supplier in company location. Here are 3 reasons why you should be working with us!

1. Our products are made to the highest quality standards. Our factory has obtained Certification Name, Certification Name, and Certification Name certifications. And our client list is a testament to our quality. Our customers in North America include Client Name, Client Name, and more. We also have a large number of clients in Europe, including Client Name.

2. Production capacity to meet your needs -- on time! We have an annual production capacity of production capacity and annual revenue of around US$ annual revenue. We can meet your order size and delivery time specifications with ease.

3. Proven experience in serving our customers. Founded in year, we have the experience to help our customers with all of their product name needs. But don’t take our word for it.

Are you currently looking for new product name suppliers? If so, I would love to learn more and see if we can help meet your needs. If not, it would still be great to touch base and see how Chenfun Medical Technology can be on your supplier list the next time you have a new product need.



Best regards,

后,我们要注意对开发信写作过程中语法和语气的应用。从语法使用上来讲,我们通常喜欢主动式,并且会过多的出现 人称。但是对于国外人而言,他们似乎更喜欢使用被动式表达,从而有效避免对 人称的过多使用。因此,我们在写开发信的过程中,要尽量学习并模仿外国人的阅读和书写习惯,从而提升他们对邮件内容的心底认可程度。而且,因为是电子邮件,所以在书写上具有一定的固定模式,这使得整个邮件读起来显得干巴巴的。我们在写邮件时,要注意对委婉语气的应用,可以通过一些疑问语句的使用,将原有生硬的语气进行缓和,同时也可以委婉的表达出自己的一些请求。

Request for Help Getting In Touch

Hi Buyer Name,


I'm trying to get in touch with your colleagues who make product name purchasing decisions. If it's not inconvenient, could you please point me towards the correct person? I really appreciate your help.

Kind regards,

外贸在发开发信的时候,也有许多禁忌之处,我们在发开发信的时候,一定要注意并有效避免这些“雷区”,从而 大可能的为自己的开发信争取好感得分。那么,外贸开发信有哪些需要避免的“雷区”呢?




Hi Buyer Name,

I am writing this as a response to your inquiry for product. I hope this message finds you well.

My name is xxx , and I am a Position at Chenfun Medical Technology in City, Country. Founded in year, we specialize in specialty. We have an annual production capacity of your annual production capacity and annual revenue of around US$ your annual revenue. We have been exporting to North America since year, and our clients include Client 1, Client 2, Client 3, and many others. We also have a number of clients in Europe, including Client 4, Client 5, and Client 6. For more information on us -- including third party information -- please visit our Panjiva profile.

With regards to your inquiry, we have a lot of experience in fulfilling similar orders and would like to learn more to see if we are a good fit. I am attaching pictures and information for several previous orders to serve as examples of how we can help.

We also have the following questions:

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Please let me know the best way to follow up with you. I can be reached on Panjiva or at any time at xxx. I look forward to hearing from you!

Please let me know the best way to follow up with you. I can be reached on Panjiva or at any time at xxx. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best regards

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