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也许,有些人要说:“ 只不过便是每日跟踪客户嘛,发发外贸开发信啥的,日日这般,有什么意思?”

实际上 ,它的有趣就取决于它的“不确实性”。



如果你早晨坐着电脑前面的情况下,你不会知道下面的这 等候你的可能是意外惊喜或是受惊。

有 ,我收到了一个外贸询盘,內容以下:


we are interested in ordering 4 reels of SK6812 5050 RGB LEDS. We have had some problems with WS2812B reliability. But also recent batches of SK6812 have shown some problems.


We know this type of LED is very sensitive to any type of physical

stress and so are extremely carefully when de-panelising our PCBs. We use low temperature vapour phase ovens. We have found that the latest WS2812B power on reset does not work if the voltage rail is around 100-200mV before power up. Hence we believe SK6812 LEDs would be a better choice but we need to find a reliable source for these components.

Can you help?

1. Can you supply reliable SK6812 5050 RGB LEDs?

2. Please can you give me a price for these parts?

3. What guarantees can you give me should we encounter problems with LEDs that you supply?

Kind regards,







可是我,是归属于简单直接型, 封电子邮件立即附了使用说明和PI



Hello Phil,

This is Elisa, so glad to get your professional inquiry on LEDs.

Concerning your questions:

1. Can you supply reliable SK6812 5050 RGB LEDs?

Yes, all the LEDs we have are reliable, specification as attached for your reference.

P.S: sk6812 is one update version depends on ws2812b, it's more reliable and function is better.

2. Please can you give me a price for these parts?

Please find attached invoice including shipping cost for your order, 4 reels.

3. What guarantees can you give me should we encounter problems with LEDs that you supply?

2 years warrranty for all our products.

If any problems no matter during or beyond this period, please contact me feel freely. That's our duty to provide you with best service and technical support at any time. 

If everything is ok, please confirm the shipping address and get back to me soon.

The LEDs can be shipped within 3 working days once we get the payment.

Thanks a lot!

Best regards



Hello Elisa,

Thank you for your reply. 

I have asked my office to send an order and transfer the funds later today.

I look forward to working with you.

Kind regards,






1) 先,客户给了实际的订单总数,又沒有其他哪些主要参数必须确定,自然无需磨磨蹭蹭,立即价格啊;

2)次之,客户电子邮件里附了公司名字和联系方式,我Google了他的企业,发觉这个企业仅仅使用大家的LED灯珠零配件罢了,虽对产品品质有一定的规定,但量并不大。因此 ,我一起附了商品的详尽使用说明给他们,含有实际主要参数和使用说明书;

3) 客户讲了那么多,只不过是对产品品质的忧虑,怕会发生以前一样的难题,这时只需能消除他的这类顾忌就ok。因此 ,我还在回复他难题的基本上,多讲了几句:“If any problems no matter during or beyond this period, please contact me feel freely. That's our duty to provide you with best service and technical support at any time. ” 目地便是要使他把心放到肚里。

4) 我还在回复中提及了“支付后交货期3个工作中日内送货”,针对有实单的客户而言,这一句话会在耳濡目染中加速他提交订单的速率,而无须客户确定订单后再问交货期。一切多替客户想一想,要了解他 在意的是啥。


出口外贸工作中中会碰到各式各样的客户,在你回复客户以前,除开要剖析客户保证知彼知己以外,也一定要先梳理自身的构思。能一次性处理的难题,就不必来来去去四五次。既要技术专业,又要重视高效率,沒有客户会想要浪费时间,错过良好的机会哦!在一个“做事磨磨蹭蹭”的销售员的身上。多立在客户的视角上想一想,如果你是他,你 想要哪些的回应。


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