facebook 买粉丝 Instagram在英国推出在线购物功能,社交网购的春天?



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此前,Instagram曾在该平台上进行过购物测试,作为去年Instagram for Business工具更新的一部分。这项测试显示,美国零售品牌在照片的左下角提供了“点击查看”按钮,可以展示多达五种产品及其价格。

Instagram has previously conducted shopping tests on the platform as part of last year's instagram for business tool update. The test shows that US retail brands offer a "click to see" button in the lower left corner of the photo, which can show up to five products and their prices.


“人们每天到Instagram去发现和购买他们 喜欢的商家的产品,我们希望这是一个无缝的体验,无论是当地的工匠,花店还是服装店,都会发现直接在Instagram上购物原来可以如此简单,Instagram的业务主管在一份声明中表示。

随着英国在线社区的不断壮大(目前拥有2300万家企业和个人),Instagram正在寻求更新应用程序以增强用户体验。广受欢迎的英国品牌Marks&Spencer,豪华泳装品牌Heidi Klein和拖鞋品牌Mahabis都已经获准试用该新功能。

对于这些品牌和企业来说,这也意味着Instagram将为他们带来更多的网站流量。他们可以尝试 适合的帖子类型,无论是专注于单一产品还是多种产品,他们将非常激动地开始使用这个功能,尽情享受社交网购带来的流量盛宴!

For these brands and enterprises, it also means instagram will bring more website traffic to them. They can try the most suitable post type, whether focusing on a single product or multiple products, they will be very excited to start using this function and enjoy the traffic feast brought by social online shopping!


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