facebook 买粉丝 您可能很快就能通过Facebook应用查看Instagram故事

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Instagram当前提供允许用户与Facebook分享故事的选项。如果启用“共享到Facebook故事”,Instagram会自动将故事交叉发布给您的Facebook受众。通过 新的测试,该公司正在尝试让用户从Facebook查看Instagram故事的可能性。

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Instagram currently offers the option to allow users to share stories with Facebook. If "share to Facebook stories" is enabled, instagram will automatically cross publish stories to your Facebook audience. Through the latest tests, the company is trying to make it possible for users to view instagram stories from Facebook.

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该测试首先由Twitter用户 ec_wife发现,并由社交媒体顾问Matt Navarra分享。Facebook发言人亚历山德鲁·沃卡(Alexandru Voica)随后证实了这项测试。


如果让Facebook在Facebook上显示您的Instagram故事的想法没有使您兴奋,那么您将很高兴知道有出路。该功能完全是可选的,如果您不喜欢它,可以假装它不存在。也就是说,Facebook仍在测试该功能, 终可能需要几周的时间才能完成该功能的广泛推广。

If the idea of having Facebook display your instagram story on Facebook doesn't excite you, you'll be happy to know there's a way out. This feature is completely optional, and if you don't like it, you can pretend it doesn't exist. In other words, Facebook is still testing the feature, and it may take several weeks to complete its extensive promotion.

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