facebook 买粉丝 阿里巴巴国际站新店铺,如何快速获取询盘?

🟨🟧🟩🟦『https://t.me/socialrogers/』 - New stores must lay a good foundation and pay attention to store health! Pay attention to store health! Pay attention to store health! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times! You know, how many companies have opened stores for more than ten years. Because they spread products and burned P4P indiscriminately in the early stage, they can only rely on P4P to maintain the number of inquiries in the later stage, and the inquiry quality is poor, so P4P burns very expensive. It's too late to change the discovery. Old products can't be deleted, keywords are irregular, and new products have no effect. Disgusting cycle, can only continue to burn money.🟨🟧🟩🟦

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今年一月份开的新平台。花了半个月的时间收集关键词产品照片,制作详情页。前三个月没有烧P4P,询盘数28个,32个,34个(不算TM的询盘,4年老店铺一直烧P4P询盘数50-60个)从四月份开始烧P4P,询盘 少60个 多72和。

新店铺一定要打好底子,注重店铺健康! 注重店铺健康!注重店铺健康!重要的事情说三遍!要知道,多少公司,开了十几年的店铺,因为前期乱传产品,乱烧P4P,导致后期只能靠P4P维持询盘数,且询盘质量不佳,P4P烧得很贵。想改变发现已经来不及了,老产品不能删,关键词没规律,新产品没效果。恶心循环,只能继续烧钱。

New stores must lay a good foundation and pay attention to store health! Pay attention to store health! Pay attention to store health! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times! You know, how many companies have opened stores for more than ten years. Because they spread products and burned P4P indiscriminately in the early stage, they can only rely on P4P to maintain the number of inquiries in the later stage, and the inquiry quality is poor, so P4P burns very expensive. It's too late to change the discovery. Old products can't be deleted, keywords are irregular, and new products have no effect. Disgusting cycle, can only continue to burn money.


那么前期要怎么做才能让平台健康呢?首先,不要急着烧P4P,要烧也要悠着点。接着,请打开你的阿里巴巴平台,进入主页。请开始研究阿里巴巴的规则,如何提高回复率,如何发布产品,信保订单个数和GMV对平台的权重的影响是什么? 每个规则,每个细节请准确阅读。读懂后倾严格按照这些规则走。


好了,解读完平台规则后,请严格执行。什么叫严格执行。能做到 的就做到 ,甚至200%。比如,回复率, 是必须的!阿里要求1小时内回复的,请做到10分钟内回复,阿里要求24小时内回复的请做到1小时内回复。特别是前三个月,很重要。手机端能很好地帮你完成这步。我在前三个月的时候,询盘无论是后台来的还是TM来的,白天做到5分钟内回复,晚上1小时内回复。我的平均回复时间 好的时候做到半小时! 这样回复的结果是哪三个月的询盘二次回复率 !你在五分钟内回复客户,客户也能马上看到,马上回你,二次回复率自然提高了! 成单率90%,刚开始只是为了做平台数据,回复及时, 后效果令我惊喜和意外!

发布产品时,关键词去那些地方找?怎么搭配?标题如何写?图片要求是什么?属性多少个?怎么写精准,排版舒服?主页内容怎么制作?分哪几个板块 适合你的产品?内链怎么做?请按照阿里规则来!

等你的基础工作做到位了,各项数据都做到 好了,可以开始加大P4P竞价了。注意:P4P也是有规则的,按照规则来,可以让你省时省力省钱。不要盲目搞!




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